Thursday, 11 June 2009

Some photos from the last race...

I was looking through the 07-08 race website the other day, and found some great photos from the last race which I thought i'd put up here.

There will be a specific person on each yacht that is responsible for media communications, video footage, still photography etc. This is a hugely important role as it communicates our story with all those back on land, particularly race sponsors and partners.

It is not a role which I myself am keen to pursue, as there are undoubtedly people that will be more skilled at this than me, however I do hope to be able to get some great photos and videos to be able to send back to Turner and Townsend, friends and family whilst I'm away.

It also holds another importance for me. I sincerely hope this is not the last major yacht race I do, so having a documented account, be it video, photography, text etc. will serve as a good reminder to continue pursuing ambitions in the world of ocean racing...

Anyway, there are a whole host of images on the 07-08 site, which you can get to through, so go check them out! We've also found out that our PART C courses (both of them) are likely to head as far out as possible into the Atlantic. Will be our first taste of ocean sailing together and obviously a great chance to sail with our new skipper and to start working together as a crew! Only two and half weeks to go - can't wait....

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