So I've returned, slightly battered and bruised, from a week of strong winds and rough sea conditions on my PART C training.
This was the first time I sailed with Pete Stirling, our skipper for the race, and also my crew that i'll be competing in the race with. My overiding memory i'll take from this week is that i've ended up on a great boat. Our skipper is quietly confident, extremely experienced and is pushing for a podium finish in the race. The crew is mix of people from all walks of life, some Round-the-worlders and some leggers, but all equally enthusiastic about the challenge ahead.
The week started with the Solent lulling us into a false sense of security, with blue skies and moderate winds, easy miles and everyone familiarising themselves with the boats again. The mid-week picture began to look very different however, and by the fourth day, after 48 hours of non-stop racing gybing spinnakers in the dead of night and dodging on-coming shipping we were hit by over 40 knots of wind and waves up to 15ft.
Needless to say we had a tough time of it, but it was probably ideal preparation for what is to come on some of the legs.
Watch systems were split as usual, spending 4 hours on and 4 hours off during the night and 6 on and 6 off during the day. Watch leaders weren't assigned though this week and we are still yet to see how roles on board will be assigned for the actual race.
We finished the week doing some man over board drills whilst at the same time practising what to do if the steering on the boat fails! Made for some interesting sailing and unfortunately for the fender that was thrown over the side in simulation, it would have been extremely lucky to have got him back alive. Still, practice makes perfect...
3 pints and a shower later and I completely crashed! I didn't realise just how tired I was until we were moored up and a decent nights sleep was available. I know i'll get used to this on the race but excuses like 'not being a morning person' are definitely going to have to go out the window for sure!
One of the other boats was also confirmed as being sponsored by Edinburgh and you can read about the sponsorship here. No news yet unfortunately for us, we're still known as the CV2 crew, although a rumour on the grapevine this week suggested we might actually end up being sponsored by Jamaica! Will keep you posted...
Next PART C training in 1 week and counting. Can't wait. Until then...
Friday, 10 July 2009
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